01 mwaitenda Rd Ununio, Tegeta Block F
TZ: +255 754 232 354 | +255 688 022 199 | +255 759 930 433 | NL: +31 6 3872 8875


Women & Social Protection

Our PLAN-B Program

In Tanzania, all children between the ages of 7 to 15 years are obliged to attend school. We refer to this as “Plan-A”. Unfortunately, many young girls are forced to or drop out of government education because of socio-economic reasons (including marriage/pregnancy/family economics, etc.).  Often they are then not able to return to government schools.  

So, we have established the “Plan-B” Program. This program implements interventions and projects to empower poor and vulnerable young women and girls by addressing, through further EDUCATION, the socio-economic consequences of dropping out of school and failing exams. 

The Plan-B program stands for: 
   – Back to school  
   – Be equal
   – Be strong  
   – Be the best you can be!

The “Plan B” Programme will execute interventions and projects to empower poor and vulnerable girls and young women by addressing the consequences of school drop-outs and exam failures through EDUCATION !!!


These are the Interventions and Projects in our Plan-B Program:

Click the download button for more info on the Plan-B Program: