01 mwaitenda Rd Ununio, Tegeta Block F
TZ: +255 754 232 354 | +255 688 022 199 | +255 759 930 433 | NL: +31 6 3872 8875

Our Founder

Women & Social Protection

Our Founder

Flora Myamba Ph.D. is a social protection and gender expert in Tanzania. She leads this newly registered non-profit organization “Women and Social Protection Tanzania Limited” through which she has been consulting for the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the Center for Global Development to research and promote women’s economic empowerment and digital financial inclusion. She has also consulted for FAO, UNICEF (Tanzania and Florence), Oxford Policy Management-UK, UNDP, EU-OECD, ILO, World Bank, REPOA Research Institute in Tanzania, and the government of Tanzania in providing expertise on social protection and gender.

She has particularly led impact evaluations of the national social protection program (Productive Social Safety Net-PSSN) on gender and youth and has lead the design of a gender strategy for the PSSN. She was part of the Global Expert Group Meeting for preparing the initial Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) 63 Report in 2018 (New York), and provided a series of technical expertise for the Pre-CSW63 including for African Union Ministers and experts, a number of Global Delegates, and the Ministry responsible for gender in Tanzania.

Flora has worked intensively with ODI (Overseas Development Institute in the UK), Unicef-Innocent, EU-OECD (TRANSFORM), SP curriculum development with IFM (Institute of Financial Management in Tanzania), UN Women-NY & Eastern and Southern Africa, Women and Health Coalition (NY), FAO work, African Union etc.

Flora earned her Doctorate in 2009 in Sociology at Western Michigan University and has been doing work on women and social protection ever since. She has published in local and reputable International Journals including Oxford Development Studies, Cambridge University Press, Global Social Policy, African Development Review and Bill & Melinda Gates Publications as the CV indicates.