01 mwaitenda Rd Ununio, Tegeta Block F
TZ: +255 754 232 354 | +255 688 022 199 | +255 759 930 433 | NL: +31 6 3872 8875

Social Tourism

Women & Social Protection

Social Tourism …

In order to keep the WSP work funded and to become self-sustaining, we have chosen to use Social Tourism in this area. Since Tanzania is a beautiful country and is a destination desired by tourists, the best way to do this is by doing Social Tourism activities.

The aim is to create a holiday package consisting of a Life Skills Retreat, combined with a Safari and a visit to Zanzibar. This package will be sold to foreign tourists and the proceeds will be used for Educational Interventions and the running of the Programme.

WSP currently owns a site in Karatu that has been set up to function as a hostel. This hostel will be renovated to enable the running of the Social Tourism Retreats.

The Umoja Eco Hostel and Volunteer Center will facilitate volunteers and high-end tourists in a rural environment, maintaining the local cultural and traditional elements.