01 mwaitenda Rd Ununio, Tegeta Block F
TZ: +255 754 232 354 | +255 688 022 199 | +255 759 930 433 | NL: +31 6 3872 8875


Women & Social Protection

Volunteering …

Multiple volunteers with specific skills will play vital roles in improving the design and implementation of projects

Fundraising is a primary role and other activities involve skill development and transfer through training and hands-on activities, for example: teaching girls to make creative items like dolls and beads that could be sold to tourists or teaching them the creative use of technology. 

These activities can be done onsite in Tanzania or from the comfort of your home, where ever you may be.

Here is an overview of the volunteer roles that are currently open:

OFF-SITE – at your own location:
a. Managing the website (EN)
b. Managing our Social Media pages (EN)
c. Managing our Fund-Raising & Marketing initiatives (EN)
d. Managing Social Tourism registrations and payments (EN)

ON-SITE – in Tanzania:
a. Language skills development/teaching (English, French, Other etc). (EN, FR,
b. Various other skills development/teaching (arts and crafts, IT, care-handling, sports, business skills, life skills, etc.) (EN, Swahili)
c. Managing science projects/creative innovations (EN, Swahili)
d. Managing exchange teaching/learning programs between WSP girls and other schools/programs (Swahili)
e. Social Tourism hosts & hostesses (EN)
f. Other Social Tourism volunteers (refurbishers, waiters/waitresses, cooks, barmen/ladies, guides etc. – (EN)


Local Volunteers
– Some of these roles specifically require that the volunteer speak Swahili. The preference in these cases will be given to local volunteers.
– Local volunteers will receive a nominal stipend.

Foreign volunteers
– Foreigners may choose to work from wherever they are located. These are ‘goodwill’ roles and no stipend will be paid. These volunteers will keep close contact with local workers for their activities.
– All foreigners taking on an on-site volunteer role will have to pay for his/her own travel to and from Tanzania.
– If a foreigner takes on a volunteer role in an Educational Program, he/she will pay for accommodation, food and drinks in a hostel in Dar es Salam for the period of stay.
– If a foreigner takes on a volunteer role in Social Tourism activities, he/she will stay at the Umoja Volunteer Center in Karatu and will pay a small fee for accommodation, food and drinks for the period of stay.