Women and Social Protection Tanzania was established in September 2016 and registered in July 2019 as a Non Governmental Organization(NGO) under the Companies Act, 2002
(Reg.# 00NGO/R2/000160).OUR VISION
Women’s full and effective participation and decision-making in social-economic and political spheres.
To generate and use eveidence on interventions that prioritise inclusive and sustainable solutions for vulnerable and poor women and girls.
Welcome to our
NEW OFFICEIn Dar es Salaam
Our address is…..
Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
What we do …

Research Monitoring & Evaluation
a. We conduct short and long term research and consultancy works in the field of social protection, gender equality and women’s economic empowerment.
b. We conduct applied social research including; needs assessment, project development and management, etc. c. We carry out impact evaluations. d. We collaborate with local, national, regional and international individual researchers and organizations.
Policy Influencing
a) We use the evidence we generate to influence policy associated with social protection, women and girls through policy forums and dialogues, round table discussions, and continuous engagement of key policy makers in the research and interventions we do.
b) We disseminate findings to a wider community of stakeholders and influential actors including local communities, the media, development partners, social protection programs implementers, women and girls activists and the government at all levels.
Intervention Programs
a) We implement intervention programs in social protection specific for empowering women and girls including: – Educational Interventions – Fund Raising Projects – Enabling projects
b) General Capacity Strengthening We conduct capacity strengthening through training junior researchers and interns within and outside Tanzania.OUR MOTIVATION
Why we do it …
The central focus of our interventions is to create and enhance gender equality and the economic empowerment of women and girls. We borrow from the International Center for Research on Women – (ICRW) (2011) definition of “Women’s Economic Empowerment”:-
a) Women’s ability to succeed and advance economically through acquiring the right skills and resources to compete in markets and gaining equal access to economic opportunities; b) Women’s power to make and act on economic and socially related decisions (including participation in leadership), which goes hand in hand with control of resources and benefit from profits at individual, household and community levels.OUR METHOD
How we do it …
We do our work through engaging and empowering families, boys/men and communities to participate in the process. This facilitates positive behavior change particularly against the negative cultural norms that oppress women and girls and pull them back in the effort to advance economically, socially and politically.
Since all our word depends on funding and donations, we have 2 types of activities:
a. Funded Activities – which we are currently working on.
b. Pending Activities – these are dependent on the funding received.

The Plan-B Program
In Tanzania, all children between the ages of 7 to 15 years are obliged to attend school. We refer to this as “Plan A”. Unfortunately many young girls drop out of governement education because of socio-economic reasons (including marriage / pregnancy / family economics etc.). Often they are not able to return to government schools after that.
So, we have established the “Plan-B” Program. This program implements interventions and projects to empower poor, vulnerable young women and girls by addressing, through further EDUCATION, the socio-economic consequences of dropping out of school and failing exams.
The Plan-B Program stands for:
– Back to School
– Be Equal
– Be Strong
– Be the best you can be!

All our work depends on your donations …
We run our NGO mostly with volunteers and depend on you to help to us financially.
Help us by clicking the button below to donating to specific projects…

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Our Team

Flora Myamba Ph.D.
Founder & CEO

Sandra Christian
Program Expert (volunteer)