01 mwaitenda Rd Ununio, Tegeta Block F
TZ: +255 754 232 354 | +255 688 022 199 | +255 759 930 433 | NL: +31 6 3872 8875

Donate in Kind

Women & Social Protection

Teaching Aids & Material

While we appreciate monetary donations, you can help us tremendously by donating teaching aids and material.
Here is a LIST OF ITEMS we need for the Plan-B program:

Teaching Aids and Material Needed –   Used or new Number
computers desktops/ laptops 100
computer software licenses – MS Office 100
books: cooking/stories/science/IT/sport any number
stationary material  set 100
teaching visual aids – beamer –  tv set – monitor 5
printers 5
power point ?? 2
white board 5
clothings( no underware) any number
shoes any number
sports clothing and shoes any number
simple sport materials any number
Simple machine for making sanitary towels  
simple machine for making cheese  
simple machine for making ice cream  
modern kitchen equipment for training and food business  
student chairs 100
tables 100
cupboards 25

Please CONTACT US if you would like to make a donation in kind and we will inform you what the best delivery method is.

We will respond to you as soon as possible.
Thank you in advance!